Please note that this entry will contain spoilers, as I'm going to dump my notes I had been making for FAQ into here. It's too much trouble to organize these into a full document, and I don't think many people would find a need for it. If you're
looking for an overview of the basic mechanics, I suggest looking
I took a little voyage through space. I decided I needed to explore the multi-player experience, but lacking willing participants, I took on the role of all six space adventurers. The number of turns to reach the end was still rather high (180) for having 6 explorers mapping the helpful planets and gathering resources. I did do a bit of exploring alternatives and differences between events.
The gang's all together on turn six (from Clerc's perspective). |
To start, the six star maps of Vanessa Change are passed out, one to each member of the group. They verify the content, make 5 copies, and exchange with each other for the full map. From this point, I direct them in their separate ways to explore the map and reach their goals. First though I get everyone a drone. Drones in this mode can also visit other players and make trading between characters very simple.
Drones make turns one screen slower for all characters. |
In addition to drone trading, characters can end their turn by setting up a meeting with any other character on the same trisector. Drones can only trade commodities, but by meeting up, characters can exchange equipment (except for certain items marked as "Can't Trade"). This made it easy to find out how effective equipment is in each encounter. Things fell apart a little at the Outpost combat, and I only found the serpent recently. I've since overwrote the save by accidentally starting a new game without backing up, so I have some gaps in my combat tables.
Attack: Red, Orange, Yellow | Defense: Green, Indigo, Blue | 100 total to win; attack and defense calculated separately |
Black spaces are N/A or I couldn't find a way to have the equipment at the fight. |
The E.C.M. is an item that I couldn't actually find in the game, but was left in the manual. |
During a multi-player some game events are narrated differently if another player has already come through. The hatch could already be blown open on FLN-1, the Satellite orbiting Sto. Sta. 7 may already be destroyed, and the aliens on Withel may already know Earth Standard. In fact, you can visit Withel, not teach them, and come back later to find them able to speak it. Similarly, Arthlan has an active nuclear warhead ready to blow when you first arrive, and you can discover the blast later or come to find it out of orbit on your first visit.
The manual suggests keeping your motives to yourself, but there's little use in that since goals aren't exclusive and by the end you need to work together. The final battle on Outpost requires all players to join in on the same turn, and if someone is lagging behind then other players need to sit around waiting for them (or lend a hand if possible).
Now that you've focused on yourself, you need to wait for everyone else to finish the game. |
Not all ships have to make it through all layers of defense though, as I had a few not get past certain events. It seems as long as one character is able to go toe-to-toe with Silverbeard, then everyone will be able to reach the end.
After finally getting to the end, I had about 150 passages left undocumented. Looking through them I found various contingency passages for things done out of order, and many reminders about the current quest objective for each character.
Wait... was I supposed to be seeking a stone? |
During my adventures I was trying to find some kind of pattern to planet locations. The randomness seems tied to the current turn and actions taken, although not completely. In any case, the only constant I found was that the planets usually fall into 3 groups. Early, mid, and late planets:
Early (Planets 1 - 10)
Sto Sta 7
Mid (Planets 11 - 23)
Late (Planets 24 - 29)
Lastly, the last three planets FLN-1, Gazan, and Outpost are at set locations. There are some discrepancies.
- Koursh seems to come shortly after Fiara since they're linked by storyline (once it came as 6th when I found Fiara as 2nd).
- Corbis was discovered 4th by Valentine since he needs an early source of Super Slip.
- Feldo once came in as the 10th planet, but I'm not sure why.
So, that's about all I have to say about the game for now. What follows is a dump of the rest of my notes I made while playing. I Hope they're helpful to someone, and maybe they're useful to make a FAQ:
Anti-Energy Field Ship, Defense, Special Feldo: 1 Computers, 1 Food
Anti-Gravity Ray Ship, Attack, Special Fiara: Won in Combat exploring Antigravity Research Center
Auxillary Rockets Ship, Defense, Mobility Moiran: 1 Medicine, 1 Fiber Hemindore: 1 Commodity
Black Cloud Ship, Attack, Special Feldo: 1 Tools, 1 Fluids
Blaster Hand, Attack, Projectile Moiran: 1 Fluids, 1 Tools Moiran: Gained by defeating Mugger
Boarding Robots Ship, Attack, Contact Crater: 1 Radioactives, 1 Medicine, 1 Iron
Confuse Enemy Computers Ship, Attack, Special Gironde: Plot Take-off for Free
Curvature Inductor Ship, Defense, Armor Feldo: 1 Fiber, 1 Fluids, 1 Crystals, 1Culture
Darthan Hand, Defense, Mobility Dargen: Complete Ordeal and Masterful Dialogue
Dimensional Eliminator Ship, Attack, Projectile Supa: 1 Computers, 1 Crystals, 1 Fluids, 1 Iron
Disintegration Gun Hand, Attack, Projectile Moiran: 1 Computers, 1 Culture, 1 Food, 1 Medicine
E.C.M. Ship, Defense, Special Nowhere!!
Entanglement Mines Ship, Attack, Special Crater: 1 Food, 1 Fiber
Exploder Hand, Attack, Projectile Welmet: 1 Munitions
Force Field Hand, Defense, Armor Welmet: 1 Culture, 1 Crystal, 1 Fiber, 1 Iron
Hyperbeam Ship, Attack, Projectile Gazan: Salvage Ship for Free
Hypnotic Gas Sprayer Hand, Attack, Special Crater: 1 Food, 1 Crystals
Immobilizer Hand, Attack, Special Gnarsh: 1 Crystals, 1 Fuel, 1 Munitions, 1 Food
Inertia Control Belt Hand, Defense, Mobility Jaquar: Given by Technology
Internal Reorganization Hand, Defense, Armor Feldo: Learn for Free
Invisibility Hand, Defense, Special Tretiak: Investigate Pink Lake for Free
Kothan Hand, Attack, Contact Gen: Attain Second Level in Brotherhood
Laser Reflector Hand, Defense, Armor Welmet: 1 Fuel
Levitation Hand, Defense, Special Rialla: Learn for Free
Little Puce Alien Hand, Attack, Special Tretiak: Like, Crash win Combat
Magnetic Deflectors Ship, Defense, Armor Moiran: 1 Food, 1 Iron
Mental Shield Hand, Defense, Special Ascension: Free by Learn Mental Shield
Missile Toes Hand, Defense, Mobility Moiran: 1 Fiber, 1 Radioactives
Molecular Disrupter Hand, Attack, Contact Crater: 1 Iron, 1 Medicine, 1 Radioactive, 1 Fuel
Neuron Whip Hand, Attack, Special Moiran: 1 Computers, 1 Munitions
Ninchuckle Hand, Attack, Projectile Ethnar: Train in Twychee
Nuclear Rockets Ship, Attack, Projectile Supa: 1 Tools, 1 Fluids
Phase Cannon Ship, Attack, Projectile Firthe: Visit Thiros (Requires Super Space Suit)
Photon Torpedos Ship, Attack, Projectile Moiran: 1 Munitions
Phrmm Hand, Defense, Special Medsun: Random Cargo
Piercer Hand, Attack, Contact Welmet: 1 Computer, 1 Medicine
Pin Rifle Hand, Attack, Projectile Gnarsh: 1 Tools, 1 Iron
Plasma Beam Ship, Attack, Projectile Outpost: Build Plasma Beam for Free
Poisoning Hand, Attack, Contact Ioreth: Study Native Life for Free
Pressor Beam Ship, Attack, Contact Feldo: 1 Fiber, 1 Iron
Pulse Inverter Ship, Defense, Special Crater: 1 Munitions, 1 Fuel
Ram Ship, Attack, Contact Supa: 1 Crystal, 1 Munitions
Rocket Pack Hand, Defense, Mobility Gnarsh: 1 Medicine, 1 Radioactives
Serene Contemplation Hand, Defense, Special Darscold: Serene Contemplation for Free
Ship Shield Generator Ship, Defense, Armor DMQN8J: 1 Phase Steel, 1 Warp Core, 1 Munitions, 1 Fluids, 1 Radioactives, 1 Fiber
Skin Armor Hand, Defense, Armor Bugeye: Given by Director
Stealth System Ship, Defense, Special Supa: 1 Fuel, 1 Culture
Stress Bulkheads Ship, Defense, Armor Supa: 1 Fuel, 1 Medicine
Stress Field Ship, Defense, Special Outpost: Build Stress Field for Free
Stunner Hand, Attack, Contact Crater: 1 Culture, 1 Munitions
Superhuman Speed Hand, Defense, Mobility Baphi: Given by Wreckage search
Super Space Suit Hand, Defense, Armor H6AP6B: 1 Primordial Soup, 1 Super Slip, 1 Food, 1 Medicine, 1 Fiber, 1 Fluids
Technology Nullifier Ship, Defense, Special X6CPUB: 1 Particle Catalyst, 1 Synthetic Genius, 1 Fuel, 1 Tools, 1 Iron, 1 Medicine
Telekinesis Hand, Attack, Special Ouadain: Study Telekinesis for Free
Tractor Beam Ship, Attack, Contact Hemindore: Study Tractor Beam for Free
Turbo Navigation Ship, Defense, Mobility Moiran: 1 Computers, 1 Munitions, 1 Radioactives, 1 Tools
Warp Winder Ship, Defense, Mobility Crater: 1 Culture, 1 Fluids
Whurffle Hand, Defense, Special Alkon: Study Whurffle for Free
Cargo Bay - Supa
1 Fiber
1 Radioactives
Cargo Bay - Feldo
1 Food
1 Radioactives
Cargo Bay - Rialla
1 Culture
1 Fluids
Cargo Bay - Tretiak
Gather Coconuts
Moiran - Phase Steel
x2 Computers
x2 Food
Firthe - Particle Catalyst
x2 Computers
x2 Fiber
Organu - Primordial Soup
Darscold - Synthetic Genius
x2 Fluids
x2 Radioactives
Feldo - Primordial Soup
x2 Fiber
x2 Fluids
Ethnar - Warp Core
x2 Medicine
x2 Munitions
Commodities for Trade
1 Crystal 1 Fiber
1 Crystal 1 Tools
2 Crystal 1 Food
3 Crystal 1 Computers
1 Munitions 1 Culture
3 Munitions 1 Fuel
1 Munitions 1 Iron
1 Munitions 1 Medicine
3 Munitions 1 Radioactives
1 Fuel 1 Computers
2 Fuel 1 Munitions
3 Fuel 1 Crystals
1 Culture 1 Fluids
2 Culture 1 Fiber
3 Culture 1 Radioactives
2 Tools 1 Culture
2 Tools 1 Food
1 Tools 1 Fuel
1 Tools 1 Iron
1 Tools 1 Medicine
3 Fuel 1 Culture
3 Fuel 1 Munitions
2 Fuel 1 Tools
1 Fuel 1 Food
1 Fluids 1 Food
3 Fluids 1 Munitions
2 Fluids 1 Medicine
2 Fluids 1 Iron
2 Food 1 Crystals
2 Food 1 Fluids
3 Food 1 Fuel
1 Crystals 1 Iron
2 Crystals 1 Fuel
3 Crystals 1 Radioactives
1 Iron 1 Crystals
2 Iron 1 Medicine
3 Iron 1 Food
2 Fiber 1 Iron
3 Fiber 1 Fuels
3 Fiber 1 Tools
1 Medicines 1 Computers
2 Medicines 1 Crystals
3 Medicines 1 Fiber
3 Fiber 1 Computers
2 Fiber 1 Medicine
1 Fiber 1 Crystals
1 Tools 1 Computers
2 Tools 1 Iron
3 Tools 1 Crystals
1 Crystals 1 Food
2 Crystals 1 Culture
3 Crystals 1 Fluids
1 Crystals 1 Iron
2 Culture 1 Computers
2 Culture 1 Fiber
3 Culture 1 Fluids
1 Fiber 1 Munitions
2 Fiber 1 Culture
3 Fiber 1 Iron
1 Munitions 1 Radioactives
2 Munitions 1 Fluids
3 Munitions 1 Fuel
3 Culture 1 Fluids
3 Culture 1 Radioactives
3 Medicine 1 Fiber
2 Medicine 1 Fluids
1 Medicine 1 Food
2 Iron 1 Food
2 Iron 1 Medicine
2 Iron 1 Tools
2 Computers 1 Fiber
2 Computers 1 Food
2 Computers 1 Medicine
1 Medicines 1 Iron
2 Medicines 1 Computers
3 Medicines 1 Tools
2 Fuel 1 Fiber
3 Fuel 1 Medicine
3 Fuel 1 Munitions
3 Computers 1 Culture
2 Computers 1 Tools
1 Computers 1 Munitions
2 Computers 1 Crystals
3 Computers 1 Culture
1 Computers 1 Fuel
2 Computers 1 Radioactives
1 Fluids Free
1 Radioactives Free
1 Medicine Free
1 Fuel Free
1 Radioactives Free
1 Food Free
1 Iron Free
1 Fiber Free
1 Fluids Free
1 Radioactives Free
Passages (Those marked as Random will be given while traveling space at random points)
1 Fiara-Alien Shuttlecraft
2 Land-Dargen (2)
3 Combat-Squirrellie War (A-D+) (No Green Ore)
4 Land-Nine Worlds (1)
5 Gironde-Take Off [4]
6 Land-Cordethar (Laran)
7 Combat -- Serpent
8 Land-Tretiak (1)
9 Build Tri-Axis-Success (Laran)
10 Land-Darscold (3)
11 Baphi-Wreckage
12 Ethnar-Learn Language (Telepathy)
13 Ouabain-Market
14 Dargen-Ordeal [A]
15 Random
16 Cordethar-400 - present
17 Land-Ouabain (1)
18 Combat-Silverbeard (A-D-)
19 Dambroke-Turn 5
20 Norstar-Clerc (Only 1 Part)
21 Combat-Dream Beast (A+D-) & (A-D+)
22 Gen-Temple Wrong Answer (1)
23 Baphi-Chemicals
24 Rialla-Cargo Drone
25 Supa-Market
26 Land-Outpost (Multi-Failed Power Combat)
27 Gen-Ordeal [C]
28 Jaquar-Market
29 Ioreth-More Poison
30 Random (Smuggling)
31 Combat-Tavern Bully (A+D+)
32 Gironde-Spaceport Robots
33 Harvard-Professor (Only 2 Abilities)
34 Hootenaller-Relax (After 2nd Change)
35 Wellmet-Smuggling (After Smuggling, no Jobs)
36 Combat-Killer Satellites (A+)
37 Valentine-Turn 4
38 Outpost Multi Combat
39 Combat-Swamp Monster (A+D-)
40 Land-Hootenaller (6)
41 Ioreth-Wring Leader's Neck (HD)
42 Land-Gazan (??)
43 Gnarsh-Weapons
44 Land-Withel (3)
45 Cross Edge of Fringe
46 Combat-Corrosive Slime (A+D-)
47 Gazan-Captain's Log
48 Hootenaller-Explore (Fiber)
49 Corin-Turn 2
50 Outpost Multi Combat
51 Wellmet-Weapons (1)
52 Take-Off-Outpost (Not All Repairs)
53 Valentine-Quest Reminder (No Super Slip)
54 Outpost Multi Combat
55 Clerc-Quest (1)
56 Land-Alkon (1)
57 Random
58 Arthlan-Volcanos
59 Build Tri-Axis Drive (no parts)
60 Gazan-Market
61 Hootenaller-Serpent Reward (Super Slip)
62 Organu-Strangeways (No Soup)
63 Combat-Satellite (A-D+)
64 Darscold-Gravity
65 Ioreth-Environmental System
66 Combat-Tree Landing (D-)
67 Quest Reminder - Build Tri-Axis Drive
68 Land-Dargen (3)
69 Land-Gazan (Know HD, no planets)
70 Gironde-Take Off [2]
71 Land-Tralis (Return-No Action)
72 Ethnar-Purchase Warp Core
73 Land-Outpost (After The End)
74 Turn 35-Dambroke (No Abilities)
75 Cordethar-Entire Memory
76 Wellmet-Market (3)
77 Land-Outpost (Return - Failed Missiles)
78 Combat-Alarmed Door (A+)
79 Random
80 Land-Hemindore (Return)
81 Random
82 Take-Off-Tretiak (No Space Suit-2)
83 Quest Reminder - Outpost
84 Turner-Turn 3
85 Combat-Squirrellie (A-D+) & (A+D-) (After Lang)
86 Laran-Quest Reminder (Build Tri-Axis)
87 Hemindore-Tractor Beam
88 Random
89 Land-Outpost (Multi-Solo Attack)
90 Hootenaller-Serpent Reward (Phase Steel)
91 Random
92 Yrebe-Yes Stay (1)
93 Random
94 Land-Withel (2)
95 Clerc-Quest Reminder (Outpost)
96 Land-Sto. Sta. 7 (Satellite Destroyed)
97 Rialla-Jump Engine (Part 6)
98 Valentine-Quest Reminder (2 Super Slip)
99 Combat-Plants (A-D+)
100 Yrebe-Mysterious Interference
101 Combat-Swamp Monster (A-D-)
102 Random
103 Land-Fiara (1)
104 Crater-Institute
105 Koursh-Dig V.C. Member Early
106 Land-Para-Para (Turner 1)
107 Salvage - Already taken ??
108 Wellmet-Start Smuggling
109 Laran-Quest Reminder (Found Cordethar, No Disk)
110 Dargen-Ordeal (2)
111 Random
112 Combat-Dog (A-D-)
113 Land-Yrebe (2)
114 Random-Silverbeard Subsequent
115 Organu-Telepathy
116 Land-Cordethar (2)
117 Land-Darscold (2)
118 Tralis-Left Spinner (Beat Mob)
119 Gironde-Take Off [1]
120 Baphi-No Helm (4)
121 Random
122 Land-Moiran (2)
123 Dambroke-Reminder (2)
124 Wellmet-Tavern (Turner-Multi 2)
125 Build Technology Nullifier (no parts)
126 Harvard-Professor (No Abilities)
127 Combat-Silver Needle (A+D+)
128 Gnarsh-Communication
129 Fail Boundary Combat (3 times)
130 Silverbeard (Surrender as Turner)
131 Land-Gironde (1)
132 Clerc-Turn 4
133 Fiyar-Explore Deeper (2)
134 Wellmet-Tavern (Turner-Multi 1)
135 Cathedral-History (Laran)
136 Land-Bugeye (1)
137 Crater-Shipyard
138 Combat-Power Generator (Multi-A-)
139 Cathedral-Ruins
140 Land-Fiyar (2)
141 Para-Para-Dr. Schottky (Success)
142 Firthe-Particle Catalyst (Ran Out)
143 Land-Withel (Return - Speak Language
144 Random
145 Land-Withel (Already Speak Language)
146 Clerc-Quest (2)
147 Hootenaller-Serpent Reward (P.C.)
148 Random
149 Combat-Boundary (A+D+)
150 Random
151 Para-Para-Lateral (1)
152 Corin-Quest Reminder (No Super Suit)
153 Wellmet-Smuggling (no job)
154 Build Universal Translator
155 Hootenaller-Explore (Medicine)
156 Fiyar ???
157 Ethnar-Mining Expedition
158 Land-Hootenaller (3)
159 Outpost-Build Stress Field
160 Hootenaller-Gather Food
161 Build Tri-axis Drive (MJ)
162 Combat-Animated Plant (A-D+)
163 Combat-Big Swamp Monster (A+D+)
164 Land-Ethnar (1)
165 Random
166 Land-Wellmet (Dambroke)
167 Dambroke-Quest Reminder (Ready)
168 Fiyar-Explore Deeper (?)
169 Turn 35-Reminder Clerc (No Items)
170 Dargen-Ordeal (3)
171 Gen-Market
172 Land-Gazan (1)
173 Random
174 Land-Gnarsh (2)
175 Tretiak-Swim Pink Lake
176 Land-Arthlan (After Explosion)
177 Random
178 Para-Para-Dr. Schottky (Success)
179 Combat-Swamp Monster (A-D+)
180 Land-Jaquar (No Darscian)
181 Take-Off-Tretiak (No Space Suit-1)
182 Jaquar-Technology
183 Outpost-Silverbeard's Stockpile
184 Corbis-Locate Building
185 Jaquar, Gazan, Dars-Darscian Planets
186 Hootenaller-Relax
187 Land-Nine Worlds (Return - Failed Boundary)
188 Organu-Market
189 Ioreth-Study Native Life
190 Organu-History
191 Land-Hootenaller (2)
192 Yrebe-Take-Off (2)
193 Fiyar-Search Warp Core (5)
194 Gironde-Central Authority
195 Fiyar-Search Warp Core (7)
196 Gen-Temple Correct Answer
197 Outpost-Build Plasma Beam
198 Land-Gen (2)
199 Ethnar-Explore (Know Language)
200 Land-Rialla (2)
201 Norstar-Clerc (Success)
202 Combat-Mugger (A-D-)
203 Tralis-Rain Forest (2)
204 Random
205 Land-Hemindore (2)
206 Random
207 Land-Baphi (Return - No HD)
208 Ioreth-Poison Wears Off
209 Outpost Multi Combat
210 Ascension-Communicate
211 Outpost Multi Combat
212 Combat-Alarmed Door (A-)
213 Random
214 Ethnar-Refine Chitterbang ??
215 Hootenaller-Relax (After 3rd Change)
216 Bugeye-Research
217 Dambroke-Quest (3)
218 Combat-Hatch (Return-A-)
219 Valentine-Turn 2
220 Land-Ascension (Return - No language?)
221 Valentine-Message From Jen
222 Land-Ouabain [A]
223 Valentine-Turn 3
224 Land-Outpost (Return - Failed Power)
225 Learn High Darscian
226 Land-Gnarsh (1)
227 Dargen-Ordeal [B]
228 Land-FLN-1 (Return, Hatch Destroyed)
229 Combat-Silverbeard (A+D+)
230 Alkon-Whurffling
231 Ioreth-Attempt Take-off (Poison)
232 Outpost Multi Combat
233 Hootenaller-Serpent Reward (P.Soup)
234 Land-Ioreth (1)
235 Combat-Swamp Monster (A+D+)
236 Land-Medsun (R-No Phrmm)
237 Combat-Animated Plant (A-D-)
238 Dambroke-Quest Reminder (2 Abilities)
239 Corbis-Nearby City
240 Dargen-Ordeal [A < 4 weeks]
241 Ioreth-Kidnap Children
242 Yrebe-Mine Iron
243 Para-Para-Research
244 Tretiak-Take off Suit (?)
245 Laran-Quest Reminder (Outpost)
246 Land-Tralis (Right Spinners)
247 Feldo-Market
248 Land-Hootenaller (1)
249 Darscold-Market
250 Combat-Airjet (A-D+)
251 Combat-Squirrilee (??)
252 Outpost Multi Combat
253 Cathedral-Spaceship
254 Land-FLN-1 (1)
255 Organu-Strangeways (Loss SM)
256 Land-Outpost (Return - Failed Missiles)
257 Feldo-Primordial Soup
258 Land-Arthlan (2)
259 Ascension-Market
260 Brotherhood - Only give Initiate Brother
261 Land-Wellmet (Failed Smuggling)
262 Land-Rialla (1)
263 Land-Supa (1)
264 FLN-1-Captain's Quarters ??
265 Hootenaller-Explore (Fuel)
266 Tralis-Communicate
267 Dambroke-Quest (1)
268 Gen-Temple of Nil (1)
269 Corbis-Slippery Substance (2)
270 Land-Baphi (Ship Gone - No HD)
271 Medsun-History
272 Land-Fiara (2)
273 Combat-Dog (A+D+)
274 Clerc-Turn 5
275 Combat-Serpent (??)
276 Dambroke-Quest (2)
277 Hootenaller-Serpent Reward (G.F.)
278 Land-Gazan (2)
279 Wellmet-Weapons (2)
280 Drone Purchase Info
281 Baphi-Yes Helm (3)
282 Quest Reminder-Dambroke (Outpost)
283 Moiran-Weapons (2)
284 Ascension-Mine Minerals (??)
285 Tretiak-Remove Space Suit
286 Land-Ethnar (2)
287 Don't Know Alien Language ??
288 Rialla-Jump Engine (Part 8)
289 Gen-Titanic Cave (Return)
290 Supa-Shipyard
291 Combat-Teddy Bear (A+D+)
292 Gazan-Drone
293 Random
294 Hootenaller-Explore (Iron)
295 Gen-Temple of Nil (Before Healed)
296 Rialla-Cargo Bay (Forward)
297 Land-Baphi (3)
298 Bugeye-Director
299 Land-Wellmet (Clerc)
300 Tretiak-Talk to Green Men
301 Land-Baphi (2)
302 Wellmet-Tavern (Corin-Multi 2)
303 Gironde-Obtain Gradient Filter
304 FLN-1-Fail Hatch Many Times ??
305 Moiran-Phase Steel
306 Land-Fiara (Return - No HD)
307 Gen-Temple of Nil (Return-Dargen Next)
308 Hemindore-Explore Tchuros
309 Organu-Strangeways (Swamp Battle?)
310 Combat-Tavern Bully (A-D+) & (A+D-)
311 Build Tri-Axis-Success (Corin)
312 Combat-Squirrilee War (??)
313 Supa-Cargo Bay (Port)
314 Combat-Squirrellie (A+D+) (After Lang)
315 Arthlan-Artifact w/ Technology Nullifier
316 Land-Gironde (2)
317 Combat-Squirrellie (A-D+) & (A+D-)
318 Gironde-Market
319 Combat-Big Swamp Monster (A-D+)
320 Wellmet-Tavern (Corin-Multi 1)
321 Land-Jaquar (Know HD)
322 Clerc-Slow Tri-Axis
323 Combat-Animated Plant (A+D+)
324 Turn 35-Corin Reminder (FLN-1)
325 Medsun-Academy
326 Build Tri-Axis-Success (Valentine)
327 Rialla-Capture Riallan (Part 2) (Language)
328 Combat-Tavern Bully (A-D-)
329 Baphi-Darscian Ship
330 Land-Gnarsh (Failed Combat)
331 Moiran-Shipyard
332 Land-FLN-1 (Corin-Hatch Blown)
333 Corbis-Thermal Spot
334 Combat-Animated Plant (A+D-)
335 Rialla-Jump Engine (Part 10)
336 Land-Gazan (3)
337 Arthlan-Craters (After Explosion)
338 Firthe-Chem Lab
339 Hootenaller-Explore (After 3rd Change)
340 Moiran-Weapons (1)
341 Gnarsh-Learn About War
342 Combat-Killer Satellites (A-)
343 Crater-Drone
344 Combat-Smart Missiles (Multi-D-)
345 Withel-Teach Earthese
346 Land-Ioreth (Return, Now Know HD)
347 Ascension-Mine Minerals (Know About Tech)
348 Land-Moiran (1)
349 Medsun-Museum
350 Land-Tretiak (2)
351 Laran-Quest Reminder (Turn 25)
352 Outpost Multi Combat
353 Crater-Weapons
354 Land-Cathedral (2)
355 Corin-Quest Reminder (Tri-Axis)
356 Land-Dargen (R - No Kothan)
357 Rialla-Market
358 Land-Firthe (2)
359 Corbis-Investigate (Someone Got Here First)
360 Land-Wellmet (Turner)
361 Combat-Automated Robot (A+D+)
362 Land-Jaquar (Return - Now Know HD)
363 Gen-Ordeal [A]
364 Land-Darscold (Return - No HD)
365 Gazan-V.C. Ship (Fail Combat)
366 Baphi-Yes Helm (1)
367 Koursh-Repair Navigation
368 Land-Ouabain [B]
369 FLN-1-Explore Tunnel
370 Turner-Turn 5
371 Gen-Ordeal [B]
372 Fiara-Options (No Darscian Planets)
373 Tretiak-Rap with Green Men
374 Fiyar-Explore Deeper (4)
375 Land-Baphi (1)
376 Gen-Titanic Cave
377 Land-Crater (2)
378 Random
379 Combat-Satellite (A+D-)
380 Combat-Plants (A+D+)
381 Combat-Smart Missiles (D-)
382 Dambroke-Turn 2
383 Alkon-Market
384 Tralis-Rain Forest (1)
385 Gen-Temple of Nil (Return)
386 Corbis-Slippery Substance (1)
387 Medsun-Phrmm
388 Laran-Turn 3
389 Norstar-Clerc (Only 2 Equipment)
390 Moiran-Dee's Palace (Nothing to Steal)
391 Corbis-Slippery Substance (3)
392 Outpost-Newer Hangers
393 Ioreth-Landing Beacon
394 Feldo-Cargo Bay (Aft)
395 Wellmet-Market (2)
396 Land-Corbis (1)
397 Ethnar-Return with Chitterbang
398 Combat-Tree Landing (D+)
399 Hootenaller-Explore (Radioactives)
400 Land-Sto.Sta.7 (Failed Combat)
401 Laran-Turn 4
402 Fiyar-Mine Fuel (Again)
403 Abandon Investigation ??
404 Land-Hootenaller (5)
405 Combat-Squirrellie War (A+D+)
406 Land-Outpost (1)
407 Dargen-Ordeal [C]
408 Ioreth-Study Colony
409 Para-Para-Alpha-One
410 Land-Fiara (2)
411 Gen-Archives
412 Hootenaller-Gather Food (After 3rd Change)
413 Koursh-Take-off No Sensors
414 Ethnar-Language w/ Univ. Trans.
415 Random
416 Land-Outpost (??)
417 Wellmet-Traders (Clerc)
418 Fiyar-Search Warp Core (2)
419 Random
420 Wellmet-Family Market
421 Combat-Hatch (A+??)
422 Tretiak-Dress for the Party
423 Land-Arthlan (Out of Orbit)
424 Para-Para-Forward
425 Land-Jaquar (Return - No HD)
426 Rialla-Jump Engine (Part 1)
427 Combat-Smart Missiles (D+)
428 Tralis-Attack Mob
429 Density Barrier Warning
430 Land-Cordethar (1)
431 Para-Para-Dr. Peterson
432 Moiran-Dee's Palace
433 Wellmet-History
434 Fiyar-Mine Fuel
435 Combat-Mugger (A+D-)
436 Withel-Drone
437 Hootenaller-Explore (After Change)
438 Land-FLN-1 (Return - Hatch Still There)
439 Moiran-Phase Steel (2)
440 Rialla-Capture Riallan (Part 1)
441 Combat-Serpent (A+D+)
442 Combat-Boundary (??) 2nd Time Lost
443 Combat-Corrosive Slime (A+D+)
444 Gironde-Central Authority (Core Meeting??)
445 Ioreth-Visit Darscians
446 Land-Dargen (No Kothan)
447 Para-Para-Dr. Schottky (Unfinished)
448 Land-Cathedral (1)
449 Turner-Quest Reminder (Tri-Axis)
450 Moirain-Phase Steel (Out of Stock)
451 Random
452 Para-Para-Lateral (2)
453 Firthe-Particle Catalyst
454 Fiyar-Explore Deeper (3)
455 Sto.Sta.7-Explore (1)
456 Wellmet-Market (1)
457 Combat-Hatch (A-)
458 Land-Corbis (Return)
459 Combat-Squirrellie (A-D-)
460 Nine Worlds-Leucothea (Return)
461 Land-Gazan (4)
462 Wellmet-Tavern (Prof-Multi 1)
463 Laran-Quest Reminder (Found Cathedral, No Disciple)
464 Feldo-Equipment Storeroom
465 Combat-Corrosive Slime (A-D-)
466 Hootenaller-Explore (Crystals)
467 Combat-Automated Robot (A-D+)
468 Random
469 Land-Ascension (1)
470 Clerc-Quest (3)
471 Land-Ouabain [C]
472 Fiyar-Explore Deeper (5)
473 Koursh-Dig up Crew
474 Arthlan-Metal Artifact
475 Land-Supa (2)
476 Baphi-Yes Helm (4)
477 Combat-Dog (A+D-)
478 Wellmet-Traders (1)
479 Build Technology Nulifier
480 Land-Nine Worlds (2)
481 Rialla-Capture Riallan (Part 2) (No Language)
482 Koursh-Take-off No Power
483 Hootenaller-Serpent Reward (Warp Core)
484 Combat-Mob of Lefties (A-D-)
485 Arthlan-Artifact w/ Anti-Energy Field
486 Corin-Turn 4
487 Moiran-Market
488 Build Tri-Axis-Success (Clerc)
489 Wellmet-Smuggling
490 Combat-Corrosive Slime (A-D+)
491 Jaquar-Drone
492 Wellmet-Tavern (1)
493 Arthlan-After Explosion (While on Planet)
494 Rialla-Jump Engine (Part 5)
495 Combat-Gravity (D+)
496 Combat-Silverbeard (A-D+)
497 Turner-Quest Reminder (Fought & Lost)
498 Koursh-Repair Powers
499 Tretiak-Collect Fiber
500 Norstar-Clerc (No Equipment)
501 Laran-Quest Reminder (done)
502 Rialla-Lean Language no Help
503 Combat-Teddy Bear (A+D-)
504 Clerc-Quest Reminder (done)
505 Outpost-Multi Combat
506 Random
507 Land-Jaquar (Return??)
508 Ethnar-Learn Language
509 Rialla-Explore w/o Language
510 Land-Dargen (1)
511 Outpost-Old Hanger
512 Gazan-V.C. Abandoned Ship
513 Hemindore-Meet Elder
514 Land-Darscold (No Darscian)
515 Gironde-Take Off (1)
516 Land-Ouabain (Return-Failed Land)
517 Combat-Squirrellie War (??)
518 Hootenaller-Gather Food (After Change)
519 Wellmet-Smuggling (Second Run)
520 Combat-Beam Weapons (D+)
521 Ioreth-Introduction (No Planets)
522 Fiyar-Search Warp Core (4)
523 Land-Rialla (2)
524 Random
525 Hootenaller-Relax (After Change)
526 Withel-Translating
527 Tretiak-Investigate Pink Lake
528 Combat-Hatch (A+)
529 Outpost-Multi Combat
530 Random
531 Land-Alkon (2)
532 Random
533 Land-Outpost (Return - Failed Multi-Combat)
534 Heaven-Valentine (1 Super Slip)
535 Wellmet-Tavern (Prof-Multi 2)
536 Build Tri-Axis-Success (Prof)
537 Dambroke-Harvard (1)
538 Dambroke-Turn 3
539 Land-Outpost (Return - Failed Satelites)
540 Turner-Turn 2
541 Tralis-Translator
542 Random
543 Yrebe-Day Side
544 Combat-Boundary (A-D-) 3rd Time
545 Valentine-Quest Reminder (1 Unit)
546 Land-Wellmet (Laran)
547 Random
548 Dambroke-Harvard (2)
549 Rialla-Riallan Origin
550 Combat-Power Generator (A-)
551 Atlantis-Corin (No Stone)
552 Hootenaller-Explore (After Change - Get Mass)
553 Leucothea-Larin (No Disk)
554 Organu-Strangeways (After BWM)
555 Land-Gazan (No Darscian)
556 Combat-Mob of Lefties (A+D+)
557 Moiran-Mugger
558 Fiara-Darscian Records
559 FLN-1-Captain's Quarters
560 Land-Dargen (R-Kothan)
561 Nine Worlds-Heaven (Only 2 Units)
562 Rialla-Space Authority
563 Heaven-Valentine (No Super Slip)
564 Gironde-Take Off (2)
565 Land-Darscold (1)
566 The End
567 Rialla-Jump Engine (Part 3)
568 Withel-Market (Taught Language)
569 Corin-Quest Reminder(Open Hatch, Space Suit, No Stone)
570 Land-Para-Para (1)
571 Combat-Boundary (A-D-)
572 Tralis-Secret Passage
573 Random
574 Gironde-Take Off (3)
575 Laran-Turn 5
576 Frontier-Smuggling (Not All Culture)
577 Random
578 Gen-City of Markov
579 Land-Darscold (Return - Now Know HD)
580 Combat-Squirrellie War (A-D-)
581 Clerc-Quest Reminder (1 Improvement)
582 Gen-Ordeal [B+B]
583 Fiyar-Explore Deeper (1)
584 Rialla-Lean Language after Capture
585 Corin-Quest Reminder (Outpost)
586 Nine Worlds-Atlantis (w/ Stone)
587 Turner-Quest Reminder (Outpost)
588 Baphi-Colony Dome
589 Random
590 Sto.Sta.7-Explore (2)
591 Combat-Plants (A-D-)
592 Hemindore-Market
593 Arthlan-Metallic Outcrop
594 Wellmet-Tavern (Clerc-Multi 1)
595 Combat-Automated Robot (A-D+)
596 Fiyar-Search Warp Core (6)
597 Gazan-Salvage Ship
598 Land-Para-Para (2)
599 Rialla-Jump Engine (Part 9)
600 Random
601 Build Super Space Suit
602 Outpost Combat Failed ??
603 Wellmet-Tavern (2)
604 Random
605 Hootenaller-Gather Food (After 2nd Change)
606 Laran-Quest Reminder (Cord - Turn 80)
607 Cordethar-1000 - 400 years
608 Tretiak-Gather Coconuts
609 Combat - Strangeways Win, but No Soup
610 Land-Rialla (w/ Universal Translator)
611 Cathedral-Market
612 Valentine - Quest (First Super Slip)
613 Tralis-Learn Translator
614 Ioreth-Set Fires
615 Build Ship Shield Generator
616 FLN-1-Captain's Quarters (Corin)
617 Random
618 Land-Medsun (2)
619 Crater-Market
620 Silverbeard-Surrender, no cargo
621 Gnarsh-Tri-axis
622 Outpost-Old Buildings
623 Build Super Space Suit (Corin)
624 Land-Koursh (2)
625 Arthlan-Collect Radioactives ??
626 Gironde-Confront Core
627 Random
628 Gironde-Take Off [5]
629 Cordethar-400 - present (Laran)
630 Fiyar-Search Warp Core (1)
631 FLN-1-Radioactives
632 Ethnar-Market
633 Alkon-History
634 Ethnar-Learn Language (Have Ninchukle)
635 Brotherhood Wrong Dialogue
636 Combat-Dog (A-D+)
637 Random
638 Land-Rialla (w/ Universal Translator) Tri-Axis??
639 Medsun-Study Phrmm (No Commodity)
640 Ouabain-Open a Door
641 Wellmet-Tavern (Clerc-Multi 2)
642 Rialla-Jump Engine (Part 7)
643 Random
644 Land-Feldo (1)
645 Random
646 Wellmet-Archives or History??
647 Random
648 Land-Cathedral (Laran)
649 Clerc-Turn 3
650 Combat-Squirrellie War (A-D+)
651 FLN-1-Explore Tunnel (Corin)
652 Combat-Silverbeard (A+D-) (Turner)
653 Random
654 Clerc-Turn 2
655 Random
656 Land-Feldo (2)
657 Fiyar-Explore Deeper (more)
658 Firthe-Market
659 Combat-Mugger (A+D+)
660 Build Super Space Suit (no parts)
661 Ethnar-Train in Twychee
662 Land-Hootenaller (Return After Change)
663 Build Tri-axis Drive Booster
664 Outpost Combat Failed ??
665 Wellmet-Tavern (Valentine-Multi 1)
666 Random
667 Land-Firthe (1)
668 Combat-Mugger (A-D-) ??
669 Land-Wellmet (2)
670 Bugeye-Tavern
671 Combat-Silver Needle (A+D+) Multi-player
672 Corin-Quest Reminder (done)
673 Withel-Undeveloped
674 Land-Hootenaller (4)
675 Combat-Dream Beast (A-D-)
676 Bugeye-Market
677 Tralis-Collect Medicine
678 Combat-Strangeways ??
679 Fiara-Anti-Gravity (Failed Combat)
680 Combat-Squirrellie War (A+D-)
681 Rialla-Learn Riallan
682 Outpost - Multi- Combat
683 Nine Worlds-Atlantis (after Stone)
684 Outpost-Beam Weapon
685 Gironde-Take Off (??)
686 Darscold-Serene Contemplation
687 Wellmet- Valentine Returns Home
688 Supa-History
689 Wellmet-Meet Jen
690 Land-Crater (1)
691 MJ-Random (Reflection on Silverbeard)
692 Land-Ioreth (Return)
693 Brotherhood Wrong Dialogue
694 Land-Tretiak (With Super Suit?)
695 Dambroke-Reminder (1)
696 Wellmet-Lanza Family??
697 Harvard-Dambroke Return too Early
698 Land-Organu (1)
699 Koursh-Repair Sensors
700 Nine Worlds-Leucothea (Laran)
701 Combat-Gravity (D-)
702 Combat-Beam Weapons (D-) ??
703 Ethnar-Warp Core Info
704 Land-Yrebe (1)
705 Jaquar-(Know HD, No Planets)
706 Combat-Boundary (A-D+)
707 Wellmet-Tavern (Valentine-Multi 2)
708 Fiara-Antigravity
709 Wellmet-Smuggling (Not Run)
710 Firthe-Translation
711 Land-FLN-1 (Corin)
712 Smuggling
713 Random
714 Silverbeard-Surrender (No Cargo)??
715 Nine Worlds-Heaven (3 Super Slips)
716 Land-Withel (1)
717 Valentine-Turn 5
718 Tretiak-Like, Crash
719 Alkon-Learn Alkonese
720 Land-Bugeye (2)
721 Ouabain-Telekinesis
722 Land-Koursh (1)
723 Hootenaller-Explore (Food)
724 Land-Arthlan (2 After Explosion)
725 Koursh-Take-off No Navigation
726 Land-FLN-1 (2)
727 Land-Ioreth (No Darscian)
728 Koursh-Take-off No Aliens
729 Hemindore-Maneuverability
730 Land-Wellmet (Valentine)
731 Fiyar-Search Warp Core (3)
732 Gironde-History
733 Ascension-History
734 Combat-Mugger (A-D+)
735 Nine Worlds-Heaven (Already Complete)
736 Combat-Mob of Lefties (A-D-)
737 Combat-Silverbeard (A+D+) (Turner)
738 Land-Wellmet (Failed Smuggling ??)
739 Hemindore-Hemingellan Ships
740 Turner-Quest Update (Ship Addition)
741 Alkon-Hire Freddie
742 Corin-Quest Reminder (Blast Hatch on FLN-1)
743 Land-Gen (1)
744 Random
745 Arthlan-Examine Volcanoes (After Explosion)
746 Outpost - Multi Combat
747 Arthlan-Artifact w/ nothing
748 Land-Sto.Sta.7 (2)
749 Gironde-Take Off [4]
750 Jaquar-(Know HD, Know Planets)
751 Tretiak-Gather Coconuts (2)
752 Cathedral-Jungles
753 Ioreth-Dump Garbage
754 Random
755 Medsun-Market
756 Ioreth-Market
757 Ouabain-Open a Door [A]
758 Darscold-Artificial Intelligence
759 Random
760 Darscold-Know HD, No Planets
761 Land-Wellmet (Failed Smuggling - No Cargo)
762 Frontier - Smuggling Success (2nd Run)
763 Gen-Temple of Nil (4)
764 Hootenaller-Serpent Reward (Synth. Genius)
765 Turner-Turn 4
766 Land-Arthlan (1)
767 Ethnar-Refine Chitterbang
768 Combat-Boundary (A+D-)
769 Arthlan-Giant Craters
770 Rialla-Jump Engine (Part 11)
771 Valentine-Quest (3rd Super Slip)
772 Land-Tralis (2)
773 Ethnar-Explore
774 Combat-Big Swamp Monster (A+D-)
775 Dargen-Brotherhood Temple (Have Darthan)
776 Land-Alkon (2)
777 Combat-Squirrellie (A-D+) & (A+D-) (Ninchuckle)
778 Land-Organu (2)
779 FLN-1-Synthetic Genius
780 Organu-Bio-engineering
781 Land-FLN-1-Hatch Blown
782 Gironde-Take Off [3]
783 Combat-Airjet (A+D-)
784 Wellmet-Tavern (Laran-Multi 1)
785 Ascension-Resources
786 Hootenaller-Explore (Fluids)
787 Ouabain-Institute for Learning
788 Combat-Squirrellie (A+D+)
789 Para-Para-Boundary
790 Cathedral-History
791 Para-Para-Dr. Schottky (1)
792 Combat-Big Swamp Monster (A-D-)
793 Combat-Killer Satellites (A+) (Multi)
794 Ioreth-Attack City
795 Combat-Satellite (A-D-)
796 Hootenaller-Explore (After 2nd Change)
797 Baphi-Force Field
798 Wellmet-Tavern (Laran-Multi 2)
799 Supa-Tavern
800 Laran-Turn 2
801 Koursh-Red Aliens
802 Combat-Satellite (A+D+)
803 Tralis-Go To Left Spinner (Beat Mob)
804 Land-Ioreth (2 - Know HD)
805 Fiara-Market
806 Land-Sto.Sta.7 (Failed Combat - Satellite Destroyed)
807 Para-Para-Market
808 Land-Ascension (Return ??)
809 Gnarsh-Market
810 Combat-Mob of Lefties (A+D-)
811 Silverbeard-Surrender Pay
812 Outpost - Multi - Combat
813 Random
814 Land-Tretiak (Return ??)
815 Baphi-Yes Helm (2)
816 Organu-Strangeways
817 Combat-Airjet (A-D-)
818 Combat-Silverbeard (A-D+) (Turner)
819 Combat-Airjet (A+D+)
820 Feldo-Internal Reorganization
821 Rialla-Jump Engine (Part 2)
822 Clerc-Hurry Up (3)
823 Combat-Silverbeard (A-D-) (Turner)
824 Random
825 Corbis-Cat-like Creature
826 Valentine-Quest Reminder (Have all 3)
827 Firthe-Biology
828 Withel-Market (No Language)
829 Land-Tretiak (Return ??)
830 Baphi-Humming Sound
831 Arthlan-Artifact w/ Levitate
832 Gen-Ordeal
833 Turn 35-Reminder Turner (No Progress)
834 Rialla-Riallan Biology
835 Combat-Dream Beast (A+D+)
836 Random (Silverbeard)
837 MJ-Quest Reminder (done)
838 Land-Fiyar (1)
839 Gironde-Take-Off (??)
840 Corbis-Collect Fluids
841 Hootenaller-Explore
842 Corin-Turn 5
843 Combat-Silverbeard (A+D-)
844 Firthe-Thiros
845 Koursh-Blue Aliens
846 Land-Fiara (Return - Know HD) ??
847 Arthlan-Artifact w/ Whurffle
848 Tretiak-Dress (No Suit)
849 Land-Hemindore (1)
850 Valentine-Quest Reminder (Have 2)
851 Yrebe-Yes Stay (2)
852 Build Universal Translator (no parts)
853 Combat-Plants (A+D-)
854 Corin-Turn 3
855 Build Ship Shield Generator (no parts)
856 Dargen-Ordeal (1)
857 Combat-Boundary (A-D-) 2nd Time
858 Random
859 Land-Wellmet (After Smuggling)
860 Bugeye-Corin Meets Director
861 Combat-Teddy Bear (A-D-)
862 Dambroke-Turn 4
863 Ascension-Mental Shield
864 Cathedral-Ruins (Failed to Kill Dog)
865 Koursh-Radioactives
866 Ouabain-Open a Door [C]
867 Ioreth-Wring Leader's Neck (No HD)
868 Rialla-Learn Levitate
869 Combat-Teddy Bear (A-D+)
870 Rialla-Jump Engine (Part 4)
871 Arthlan-Mine Radioactives
872 Feldo-Learn About Feldo
873 Norstar-Clerc (Not Enough ??)
874 Rialla-Explore Outside
875 Random
876 Land-Fiara (No Darscian)
877 Random
878 Combat-Power Generator (A+)
879 Combat-Automated Robot (A+D-)
880 Land-Sto.Sta.7 (1)
881 Dargen-Ordeal (4)
882 Land-Tralis (1)
883 Random
884 Land-Medsun (1)
885 Tralis-Return to Village
886 Land-Wellmet (Corin)
887 Moiran-Phase Steel (None Left)
888 Land-Ouabain (2)
Brotherhood Responses
Q: How does one know the way to truth?
A: I truly seek the answer.
(Initiate Brother)
Q: The way to truth is by quietly admitting your innocence.
A: I now know the way
Q: How then does one find which path to take along the way?
A: One asks in the way of the Ancients.
(Advancing Brother)
Q: The Way of the Ancients is a long and treacherous path.
A: Yet it is one I wish to follow.
Q: How does an ancient scry the path?
A: The Way of the Ancients is to ask in silence
(Masterful Brother)
Q: The questions asked in silence are head by the Very Wise.
A: And surely the Very Wise know the Way
Q: When you yourself asked in silence, how did they respond?
A: The Way is towards the center
(Worshipful Brother)
Q: The core is in fact the center.
A: And the core is the Way
Q: When you get there, what will you find?
A: I do not know the answer